Here you will find a growing collection of writings on photography and art. They are my thoughts and views, and I write them as they occur to me. Usually, slowly – very slowly. I tend to construct my texts over many days, often weeks. I rarely write more than one or two paragraphs at a sitting – sometimes just a sentence. So don’t expect long, detailed, rich texts here. I like boiling things down to their essential. I consider this introduction, for example, already verbose.
But though I try to be succinct, I refuse to be bound to any rules on length. Each piece is as long as it needs to be – hopefully not longer, and definitely not shorter. I find it unfortunate that people today appear not to have the attention span to read more than one or two paragraphs before wanting to move on. I hope you enjoy them.

In the Garden

Does art have to be beautiful?

Art Is Essential
Quick thoughts on why art is essential to human survival.

Abstract Photography
“Abstraction allows man to see with his mind what he cannot see physically with his eyes ...