Teresópolis, Brazil
Nature making a comeback.
The Votuaná Nature Preserve is a 177 hectare private preserve of Atlantic Rainforest, one of the world’s most biodiverse and most endangered forest biomes. It is located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in an area where the forest has been mostly cleared over a hundred years ago to make way for pastures and to obtain charcoal. Over the past three decades the forest has been regenerating, and the animals are returning to what was once a barren land. Even a mountain lion (puma) has already been filmed, as well as over 60 species of birds - some of them rare or endangered. But the area needs constant protection from poachers and fires.
My family bought this land over twenty years ago, and we have taken on the role of stewards of the forest. There is, however, a cost involved and that is why all proceeds of the sales of my photographs will be used to establish an endowment fund that can maintain this preserve for generations. Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions regarding this project.
All sales proceeds will be used to ensure the continued preservation of this land.